I got my roosting robin done!! What a fun, fun quilt. I am so happy with it. It surprised me how fast and easy it was, having never done anything like this before. I'm still not sure my quiltmaking abilities are good enough for a round robin....lots of mistakes in this quilt, lemme tell ya......but I did have a blast. I found myself thinking a lot about this quilt, which was a huge part of the thrill. I don't think this will deter me from making up quilt kits and blocks of the month (BOMs), because I still love those....and I don't think it will stop ANY of the mindless quilting I do, since that seems to be my big stress reducer....but it has added a new dimension and certainly stretched me well beyond comfort....a really good thing, I think!
That wasn't the biggest thing that happened yesterday, though, just the icing on the cake. We *finally* got the formal approval to put up commercial chicken houses here. We have been working diligently on this for more than 3 years, with a lot of "no's" under our belts....when we were ready to bite the bullet and buy another farm, voila! an integrator comes in and will put commercial poultry houses right where we wanted them in the first place, is that just amazing. It's one of those "wow" moments that God surprises us all with....and puts the "awe" in awesome. The wheel is rolling now, and I will have to keep y'all updated on the progress of these houses from pasture land to commercial poultry operation. I don't think I have ever seen Wes more thrilled.
It's funny, he never answers the telephone. This morning, in his wonderful good mood...he was awakened from sleep (expecting a call from the dirt-work guy who is coming over today)....the phone rings, Wes JUMPS out of bed to answer it (which he NEVER does) and it was a telephone soliciter with the wrong number. He very politely told her she had the wrong number and hung up.....and then turned to me and laughed about it. Apparently, she had a lovely accent, probably a Georgia accent from his joking demonstration......and he was thrilled to be awakened....thrilled for her to have the wrong number.....and happy to share the whole thing with me with a positive twist. Just happy...this is so awesome, and just what he needed.
I also got a telephone call from my daughter, who took darling granddaughter Kayleigh into the doctor for her 1 year examination...which turned out wonderfully. They have been telling me that Kayleigh is a "porker" because she loves to eat, a great thing with a baby in my book, by the way, a good indication that she's healthy. As it turns out, Kayleigh weighs 19 lbs and is 26-27 inches tall now. I quickly told Amanda that 19 lbs at 1 year is definitely NOT porker level, she's perfect! Do I sound like a grammy or what? lol..... Amanda is a very blessed mom, she has 2 beautiful children who are happy, healthy and a blast to be around....guess that makes me a very blessed grammy! :) I am hoping with this new commerical poultry business we will have a lot more $$ and I can do a lot more traveling to see grandbabies. It is still my dream, of course, to have them living here, visiting everyday......but until and unless that happens, I will just have to visit a lot more often than we have been. We do have a fun visit planned in a couple of weeks.
Well, that's all for now....
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