Hi! I'm so glad you found my blog (whether I lead you here or not). As you can see above, I'm working on a roosting robin quilt right now for a yahoo group that I am a member of. I had never ventured into the wonderful world of roosting robins or round robins before, and this has been a thrill, to say the least. It's funny, I've been almost afraid to add each row, fearing I will "ruin" the quilt...lol...and with each addition, it keeps working. The quilt is taking on a whole new personality with each row, if that makes sense. I will try to remember to post the pics as I've gone along (yes, I actually remembered, with a little help from my friends, to take pics with most of the steps). It's not done, yet....still more to do, so I'm sure you'll be seeing this little darling coming back again and again until I finally finish her up.
I have some other quilt tops (that I still need to quilt, shame on me!)....here are some of them:
This is Kayleigh's quilt. Kayleigh is my darling granddaughter, who will be 1 this week. I'm a bit slow with getting her quilt done, but it turned out pretty cute...what do you think?
And I have a pretty little Dresden plate quilt that I started in a class several years ago....lol. It's a myriad of errors. I started it out in 30's reproduction fabrics (my all-time favorites!!)....and I wanted a pale yellow background, so I bought the fabric and got going on the quilt. It was a fun, fun, fun class....in fact, I had so much fun during (and after) the class, that I continued to make more and more....and more and more of the dresden plates. When I got to the point of appliquing them all down (yes, I didn't hand piece them, terrible, I know).....I didn't have enough of my pale yellow fabric. Crossroads time! Did I want to make a small quilt or did I want to make a big, bed-sized quilt? Well, bed-sized quilt won out...but what was I going to do about the fabric, I could NOT find a match, trust me, I tried.... So I though and thought about it, took it to a variety of quilt stores, fabric stores, you name it. I finally found the gorgeous yellow and blue floral fabric that I decided would finish it off well...and why not, I added some blue. I didn't count, didn't figure the layout, just went for it....and it all worked out... It took a while to get it placed to sew together, but here's the end results, and I'm pretty pleased....just wish I could take credit! :) LOL....
And of course, there are more!! This quilt was a BOM (block of the month) quilt that Joann's Fabric store did a few years ago....I recently *finally* did it.....and I swear I will never buy another BOM...lol...yea, right, so I'm kidding. Of course I will buy TONS of BOM's, I love them!! LOL...... There are more mistakes in this quilt than you can even count, so no quilt police allowed!! :)
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