Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Quilting is going on around here!

My Janome is a humming tonight! I am finally putting together a mystery quilt I started in September. About time, huh? I have had the individual sections done, but just have not put it together. I love the fabrics AND the's from one of my yahoo groups. What a fun thing to do! I don't think I've ever trusted my fabric judgment enough to go for a mystery quilt before. I was always afraid I would put it together and then hate the quilt. I'm sorry to say if I hated the quilt, I would not finish it....sad, but true. you want to see the main sections? Okay, but I haven't read the next step yet, so I've no idea how this will all go together. I have the big part in 5 strips, so I'm pretty sure how that's going to go.

I also did not follow the directions....I'm sure that will surprise everyone who knows me....NOT! So...I will have to cut the border strips out before I can do the next step I'm guessing.... I'm getting pretty excited and thinking I might just quilt this one next, jumping way ahead of my other quilt tops that are waiting patiently in line. I know, no cutting...but hey, they're all my quilts, so I can do which ever one I want. Here's a sneak peek:

I think it's going to be a glad my friend, Jody, posted the steps and lead the mystery!! Let me just say I am so glad I've done my FIRST ever mystery! I think I'm going to love this quilt!

Here's hoping you are deep in stitches,


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