Did I mention the egg business is a fun thing to do??? I'm so glad we put these poultry houses up, this is the most fun I've had working in a really, really long time. I want to do it full time.....but not yet, Wes has to get the rest of the farm going and generating good income first....wait, wait, wait...I hate waiting! I want to be the official egg lady! LOL....
Here's your upfront view of this very cool egg business....READY?
These are eggs heading to the hatchery.....beautiful....lots of them...this is only 1/2 of the cart by the way, there's another side!!

The egg rolling down and then off the conveyor belt....

Grading the eggs...this one is a medium/large....then into the yellow egg tray...
These are all cull eggs...the big ones are double yolks (which sometimes make their way up into my refrigerator!)....and the little ones are too small to grade, so they are boxed....
Boxes of cull eggs....lots of them the first week. We had to be up to 15% of production before we kept eggs at all....we're there now, though!!

This is the storage racks I got for the egg room at Sam's! They're just perfect for holding all of the tools and supplies we use in the egg room.....and in the houses, actually.

Isn't that a GREAT place for the quilting frame? LOL...it's blocking the walkway that goes between the fireplace and the kitchen (there's a hallway behind it, it's blocking that, too!).....the quilting frame normally "lives" in the great room, so out it had to come....I've found an even better location in the great room, now, though, it will be a lot more accessible, so I might even use the darling frame!! :)

Grading the eggs...this one is a medium/large....then into the yellow egg tray...

Stay tuned...I'm going to be quilting soon, I'm having MAJOR withdrawal!!
We just got some new flooring for our house, though, wanna see it, too?? Okay, but only if you PROMISE not to look too closely at my house...I have furniture stuffed everywhere. We had to clean out the great room in order to put the new flooring in (which isn't wood, it's called Earthscapes....a really thick, heavy vinyl flooring).....I'm getting it all back in place....slowly!

Well, I'd better get back to putting things away...either that or sleeping, I might need to do that sometime tonight, too.....LOL...
Until we chat again,
I had to laugh at myself when I first began reading this one. This exciting egg business of your is definitely not the way I remember it at my aunt and uncles farm 50 years ago where a few dozen eggs were plucked up by hand and carried onto the houses backporch for cleaning and inspection.
Oh, and I love that new floor!
Chris at http://madcreekdesigns.blogspot.com/
Hi there, loved the entries on your blog. I am also a quilter who is looking at the Earthscapes flooring. Would you be so kind as to let me know what you think of it now that you have had it for awhile and also what the colour is? I am looking at one called "Steel Beams" and I am not sure if that is what yours is although it looks similar. It is so hard to picture a whole room from the samples. Looks like you did a good job as the pictures look lovely!
Thanks so much,
Debbi, in British Columbia, Canada
So sorry I missed your comment until now. We really love our flooring, we've had it now for quite a while. Our floor is easy care and looks wonderful all the time. I will be putting Earthscapes throughout the house, I'm sure, don't care much for carpeting!! Hope you found something you love, too!
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