YaHoo! The birds have landed.....and in BIG numbers...

There's my hunk-of-a-cowboy husband out there moving the birds up in the house....the ladies are less than cooperative, they're thinking this is a nice area to hang out.....

Looky, we found food!! Two very independent chickens find the feeders in record time!!

In these "sexy" boots is my cowboy husband waiting to help unload the birds...it's quite the amazing process.....

No, this is not my husband...this is the truck driver, who was more than a little bit amused at our EXCITEMENT with chickie arrivals..... who was directing "traffic" while the other truck driver drove the forklift in with each load of birds.....see all the birds, they're everywhere, they're everywhere!!

All Aboard....or should I say all OFF board? LOL...unloading the birds

This process went on....and on....and on....until the houses are full to the brim!!
Shesh! I'm exhausted....I might need to go quilt!! :)
Until we chat again,
WOW! You did get a house full! All I want is 6 hens! I think you know what you're doing and I do not! :)
Keep the pictures coming---this is such fun, so excited for ya'll. Angie
Hey stranger!! Thanks, it's VERY exciting! We got our FIRST egg today!! LOL....I know, mundane to most, but exciting here!! The birds will be laying in another week or 2...Wes is gonna be busy!
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