Wow, it's been busy around the farm. This is such a fun time of the year, but woo hoo, we're just swamped. I have managed to find some time to add a couple of borders to my cowboy roosting robin quilt, though. It's on our bed in this pic, so I'm just about maxed out as far as how many borders I can add....boo hoo! :) I have really enjoyed making this quilt, I'm really liking the whole roosting robin quilt approach, so easy, so fun and they really turn out well.
Right now, I'm sewing together more of the piano key borders, like I did earlier in the quilt....all of the colors side by side...I think it will just make the quilt burst (a friend called it "pop" and that's a great term, and a huge compliment from her!)..... I'm thinking at this point I will just add the 2nd piano key border to 3 sides, since the quilt is centered on the bed right now, and I don't have much more space at the top of the quilt before I run out of bed...ha ha ha....who'd have thunk it? lol.....all that bed and I'm outta space for quilt borders.....
I had planned on adding another light cowboy fabrics, surrounded by brown...and I have this gorgeous dark blue fabric that needs to be in this quilt for the furthest outside border...and then I will back and bind it in the chocolate brown "main" fabric....and I think it will be done. That's when the hard part begins, and when I start WHINING.....when it comes time to quilt this monster....lol. I really have to stop making such BIG quilts...either that or start paying someone to quilt them.... naw, I wouldn't do that, couldn't part with the quilt long enough to send it out to a quilter. Besides, I need to be saving up some moolah for that Gammill long arm quilter, can't be spending it when I have a very nice Juki that CAN quilt with my Grace frame..I'm really quite spoiled when it comes to quilting, I know it and I love it! :)
Oh, I have to share a Robbie story today! Robbie is my 3 year old grandson, who I went to see last week. He is the sweetest little boy I have ever seen, sugar sweet...and that's more than just this grandma talking, he's a true sweetheart. Well, go figure, I called him Robbie Sweetheart (like that is his middle name or something) the entire visit....so today he sees a silver Malibu (which is what we drove when we went visiting in Illinois....can't afford to drive the Durango or the big truck anymore!).....anyway, when he sees the silver Malibu, he says in his adorably sweet voice, "Hi Grandma Sweetheart!" My daughter, Amanda, just had to call me to see if I had called Robbie Sweetheart...and to share his story.....I'm so in love with this little guy, he's awesome!! I love all 3 of my grandchildren...and I love sharing stories, I'm sure y'all will hear WAY more stories than you care to hear, but I really need to get these stories down in print, so I can preserve them forever...these are the times I never want to forget!! :)
Well, enjoy your cup of java....and we'll chat later!
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